5 Gifts for Real Estate Investors (Not boring)

Holidays are just around the corner. And when you hear the holiday, the word gifts would probably pop into your mind. 

No one likes to give a dull or boring gift (I supposed!). So here are the top 5 gifts for real estate investors that will not bore them.


1. Power Bank

The power bank has become essential especially for people on the go. Most real estate investors usually rely on smartphones to check on almost everything – from emails to photos, from news updates to social media, etc. There are so many things that mobile phones provide and as much as a lot of smartphones out there claim to have a long battery life, phones get emptied quickly. And for real estate investors, nothing is scarier than losing a phone's last sign of life just when they are closing a deal, so they could not afford to have an empty phone battery. Thus, something to keep their smartphone charged is a great thing for real estate investors. 


A power bank is essential for real estate investors. When choosing a power bank, be sure to pick a pocket-size that can provide power to mobile phones many times. 


2. USB Flash Drives

In today’s world, although cloud data storage has been introduced to the market, USB flash drives are still best in keeping files that can be easily sent or printed on-the-go. 


USB flash drives are used by real estate investors to eliminate the overwhelming clutter of paper and are existent in any real estate transactions such as closing documents, private listings, neighborhood demographics, etc.


When picking a USB flash drive as a gift, you can add personalization to the flash drive such as engravement – that would be cool. 


3. Portable Hygiene Kit (For Travel)

Each day, real estate investors interact when numerous people, and a portable hygiene kit would be very helpful in maintaining a good impression as well as good hygiene practice especially with the current pandemic. 


A portable hygiene kit would be a great gift for real estate investor to keep their hands clean and maintain a good impression wherever they go.


4. Good Quality of Pen

The pen has been a redundant gift for most people in the real estate industry. Although we are already in a world of iPads, tablets, and mobile phones, real estate investors still need to use a pen – for signing documents, checks, and legal documents most of the time.


So good quality of writing utensil would be a good gift especially when you put personalization on the pen such as the name of the recipient. 


5. Gift Certificate / Gift Card

Giving a gift card or gift certificate allows you to give them what they want – even if you do not know what it is.


If there’s any gift that keeps on giving, it is the gift of giving them good feedback and more home leads (of course!). Although we are experiencing a pandemic, the holidays are still the joyous time of the year that is meant to be shared with people who matters to you. 


Hamilton James Property Inventories is based in south London. We provide property inventories in south London and the surrounding areas. So if you are looking for an inventory clerk in London, feel free to call us at 0208 769 7488 or give our website a visit https://www.hamilton-james.co.uk